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10 Amazing Christmas Eve Traditions from Around the World

10 Amazing Christmas Eve Traditions from Around the World

Christmas Eve is a time of excitement and anticipation for people all over the world. As we approach this special day, it’s fun to take a look at some of the unique traditions that are enjoyed by families and communities around the globe. From feasting on seafood to setting out shoes for gifts, here are 10 amazing Christmas Eve traditions that you may have never heard of before.

The Feast of the Seven Fishes

In Italy and some Italian-American households, Christmas Eve is marked with a massive seafood feast. Known as “La Vigilia” or “The Vigil,” this tradition features a spread of seven different types of seafood dishes in honor of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church.

Carols by Candlelight

In Australia, the night before Christmas is celebrated with “Carols by Candlelight” events featuring choirs, bands, and Christmas carols sung by candlelight in parks and other public spaces.

Bûche de Noël

In France, Christmas Eve dessert is traditionally a Bûche de Noël, or Yule Log Cake, which is made of sponge cake rolled with buttercream and chocolate, and decorated to resemble a log.

The Hide-and-Seek Gift Game

In the Czech Republic, presents are hidden in the house and children must seek them out on Christmas Eve. This is known as “Hledání dárků” and often involves clues and riddles.

St. Nicholas’ Day

In some parts of Europe, St. Nicholas’ Day is celebrated on December 6th, with shoes left out to be filled with treats and small gifts. It’s said that St. Nicholas visits and rewards well-behaved children.

Bonfires and Fireworks

In many Latin American countries, Christmas Eve is celebrated with bonfires and fireworks. In some places, an effigy of the devil is burned, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.


Though not necessarily a traditional Christmas Eve meal, in Japan it’s a popular tradition to eat KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) on Christmas Eve. This tradition started in the 1970s, thanks to a marketing campaign by the fast-food chain.

Giant Lantern Festival

In the Philippines, the Giant Lantern Festival is held on Christmas Eve in the city of San Fernando. The event features intricate, brightly-lit lanterns made by local artisans and takes place in a friendly competition.

Midnight Mass

Attending Mass in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve is a widespread tradition among Christians all over the world. The mass is often accompanied by carol singing, and in some cases, the ringing of church bells.

Christmas Pickle

In the United States, the Christmas Pickle tradition involves hiding a pickle ornament in the Christmas tree. The first person to find the pickle on Christmas morning is said to receive a special gift or good luck.

As you can see, Christmas Eve is celebrated in a variety of ways all over the world. Whether you’re feasting on seafood or setting out shoes for presents, each culture has its own unique traditions that make the holiday season special. So, this Christmas Eve, consider incorporating a new tradition into your celebrations, and have fun exploring the many different ways that people mark this magical time of year.

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